Learning Plans
Students enrolled in SPIDER Elementary are expected to cover the same curriculum as their peers attending a traditional in-person school. As part of this, SPIDER Elementary Teachers work with students and families, as a team, to create an individualized Learning Plan together at the start of each school year.
This document is required for enrolment and must be approved and filed by the end of September.
Students who register after September 24th must have their Learning Plan filed within two weeks of registering with SPIDER.
A Learning Plan documents how SPIDER Elementary families, with teacher support, will incorporate and cover the BC Ministry of Education Core Competencies, Curricular Competencies and Content as part of their children’s learning. SPIDER teachers collaborate on creating and implementing this plan, and will assess learning throughout the year.
The Learning Plan should include all the ways your family will meet the curriculum (books, workbooks, online programs, activities, lessons, hands on learning, etc) as well as some of the ways your Learning Funds will be spent.
Enrolled families will have access to Learning Plan templates and samples, in addition to SPIDER Teacher Consultant meetings as part of this annual planning process.