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Continuing Ed

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Adult Graduation

If you are 18 or over, you can get your BC Adult Graduation Diploma with  five courses:

  • an English course,
  • a Math course,
  • and 3 electives of your choosing.

Some of the electives we offer for an adult graduation are:

  • Comparative World Religions
  • BC First Peoples
  • Digital Photography
  • Fashion Studies
  • Biology
  • Work Experience

See below for the full list of elective courses.

Using a combination of online materials, and face to face time with teachers, we offer a flexible way for you to learn at your own pace.

Find out more about the Adult Graduation Diploma with this LINK.  Adult Graduation information begins on P. 18.

Sign up online, or stop by the Community Learning Center (5545 Inlet Dr, Sechelt) during Adult Program hours (Mon -Weds 2:30-7:30, and Thurs/Fri 2:30-5:30) to talk to a teacher and find out how to get started.

Adult Upgrading

Adult Upgrade offers online, academic, prerequisites for post-secondary. Adults who have graduated and who need prerequisites for post-secondary can take online courses for free through Continuing Education. This includes adults who need to improve a mark on a course previously taken.

Graduated adults still get face to face support at the Community Learning Centre.

Elective Courses Offered



  • English 9
  • English 10 – Literary Studies
  • English 10 – Spoken Language
  • English 10 – Creative Writing
  • English 11 First Peoples – New Media and Literary Studies
  • English Studies 12


  • Social Studies 8
  • Social Studies 9
  • Social Studies 10
  • Social Studies 11 Explorations
  • 20th Century World History 12
  • BC First Peoples 12
  • Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12
  • Law Studies 12
  • Physical Geography 12
  • Social Justice 12
  • Comparative World Religions 12


  • Science 10
  • Science for Citizens 11
  • Earth Sciences 11
  • Biology 11
  • Biology 12
  • Physics 11
  • Physics 12
  • Chemistry 11
  • Chemistry 12


  • Math 9
  • Math 10 W
  • Math 11 W
  • Foundations/Pre-Calculus 10
  • Foundations Math 11
  • Foundations Math 12
  • Pre-Calculus 11
  • Pre-Calculus 12
  • Calculus 12


  • Computer Studies 10
  • Graphic Production 11
  • Computer Science 11
  • Digital Photography 12
  • Computers Don’t Byte! Free Computer Course


  • Psychology 11
  • Interpersonal and Family Relationships 11
  • Food Studies 11
  • Food Studies 12
  • Work Experience 12a and 12b
  • Independent Studies 11 and 12
  • Career Life Education 10-12
  • Career Life Connections 10-12
  • Child Development and Caregiving 12

Adult Student Registration

Register HERE if you are 18 or older and wish to complete an adult graduation through SPIDER or if you need to complete courses for post-secondary which you did not take in high school.

At SPIDER, we offer a variety of academic courses which are delivered locally with face-to-face teacher support.

Registering, which you can do using the form HERE, only takes a few minutes. Initially, you can register for just one course but can easily add more later. Before you begin, CLICK HERE to get an idea of the information that you will need to provide.


After we receive your application, we will review it to verify that all required documentation is complete. You should receive a confirmation email within 24 hours which will explain how to log on in order to get started on your new course.

There is a section on the application to attach a copy of your ID (drivers license, passport) and bill showing correct address. If you do not attach these to the registration, please bring them to our office so that we may make a copy. 

Make sure to check your spam folder in case your email system sends it there. Contact us if you don’t get an email in 2 business days:

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